Samuel Hall believes in working closely with key partners to bring field-based evidence and knowledge to bear on everything from community-based plans to global discussions. Many of our research projects are led alongside academic institutions, as well as researchers and think tanks from around the world. Partnering with local organisations, including migrant and refugee-led organizations, has been invaluable in providing contextual expertise, navigating access to research sites, and working with local and national administrations – these partnerships are at the core of our work. We continue to partner with United Nations agencies, international and national NGOs, and humanitarian and development departments of governments, as well as private sector service providers and companies in the countries and regions where we are based. Samuel Hall always remains in search of new collaboration opportunities across the public-private sector.
Our Brochures
Explore our comprehensive brochures showcasing the diverse range of work we do. Click below to learn more about our projects and initiatives in specific geographical areas or thematic fields.
Collaborate With Us
We are always looking to partner with:
Migrant-led organisations for research, storytelling and capacity-building initiatives.
Local governments to help train and create effective policy responses.
Local and global research organisations to develop projects, campaigns and advocacy strategies.
Investors and donors to invest in projects which have the greatest impact.
Museums and universities to host courses, guest lectures, and organise co-events.
Journalists and media organisations to co-produce stories based on our understanding of fragile contexts.
Why Partner with Samuel Hall?
Expert Research and Analysis Support research in tough contexts where knowledge is essential in making a difference
Sustainability Invest in research that can ensure development programming and decisions are sound
Global Footprint and Networks Join a group of researchers, specialists and experts from a wide range of sectors
Have an Impact Contribute to a dynamic world of information, discussion, analysis and strategy development that has impact on the ground