Migration Summit 2023: Open Mic of Poetry, Music & Storytelling for Refugees, Migrants and Host Communities

28.04.23: The Migration Summit is a month-long global convening organised by the MIT Refugee Action Hub (ReACT), Na’amal and Karam Foundation designed to build bridges between diverse communities of displaced learners, universities, companies, nonprofits and NGOs, social enterprises, foundations, philanthropists, researchers, policymakers and employers around the key challenges and opportunities for refugee and migrant communities.  The second edition of the Summit is focusing on the theme of  “Co-creating Pathways to Learning, Livelihood, and Dignity.”

Samuel Hall organised and hosted two events (virtual and in person) as a part of the Migration Summit 2023.

Samuel Hall and Youth Voices Community co-hosted and organised an Open Mic Session for Poetry, Music, and Storytelling by Refugees, Migrants and Host Communities. Hosted at our Nairobi Office, we provided a platform for talented artists with lived experiences of migration and displacement and those from the host communities to showcase their skills and tell their stories including stand-up comedy, poetry, storytelling, and music and/or any other platform they feel most comfortable in.

Watch the Performances on Our Instagram Page

Samuel Hall