Migration Summit 2023: Localisation of Research with Refugees

25.04.23: The Migration Summit is a month-long global convening organised by the MIT Refugee Action Hub (ReACT), Na’amal and Karam Foundation designed to build bridges between diverse communities of displaced learners, universities, companies, nonprofits and NGOs, social enterprises, foundations, philanthropists, researchers, policymakers and employers around the key challenges and opportunities for refugee and migrant communities.  The second edition of the Summit is focusing on the theme of  “Co-creating Pathways to Learning, Livelihood, and Dignity.”.

To push for localisation within migration research, Samuel Hall, as part of the Migration Summit 2023 organised a virtual panel event: ‘Localisation of Research With Refugees - The Ethical Way Forward’. The panel consisted of 4 researchers: Franco Ohisa, an independent refugee researcher based in Kakuma; Samuel Binja, researcher and founder of Kalobeyei Initiative for Better Life, JeanPaul Kasika, Programmes Coordinator at RELON (Network of Refugee-led Organisation), Kenya and Nassim Majidi, Co-founder, Samuel Hall.

The panel reflected on the relationships between refugee researchers and other institutions dominant in the industry and how more ethical partnerships could be formed. It also focused on developing the agenda for localising research and its ethics through a set of principles that will be discussed with the audience.

Watch the Full Recording Here

Read the Full Presentation Here

Samuel Hall